Tuesday, August 17, 2010


This blog derived from people not knowing one of the attributes of Christianity. Our jobs as followers of Christ is to serve the people and please Him through our servant-hood. We are simply servants of the most high God. Think about when  we say "Lord" it is the same as saying "Master"...in Greek the word for slave is doulos.

At one point or another all have desired to be recognized for something society says you should be praised for. Many of us also go around lightly saying " I just wanna be used",  or "Lord make me invisible, Let them only see you." I could go on but you've heard it as well. We say and pray things in this nature not understanding that when you, as a servant of God should not expect to get any appreciation for being a vessel simply because you submitted your will to His hands. Also take in mind if you have prayed or called yourself having this mentality God will grant your request of being invisible, just don't forget that's exactly how it is supposed to be in the KINGDOM OF GOD.

Truth be told your life isn't even about you! As children of God we are to be about our father's business building up the kingdom not tearing it down because you and your deeds might go unnoticed ( by man). No, not even your trails are for you. So understand that your work here on earth, your life on earth is to bring God the utmost Glory!!! Furthermore grasp the idea that since humankind was created in God's image we all desire to be thanked, appreciated, or acknowledge at some time in our lives which is simply natural. It is natural because we only live to show and tell God how worthy(worship) He is along with praising(thanking) Him for what He do. I am not saying we should not get it but I know we should not expect it for you are merely a servant. Our reward is in heaven ( & there are benefits on earth too for being a servant) and it is given because of the LORD JESUS not people...

So my intentions is to establish that as we I live as (doulos/δούλος) servants unto Christ, live a life not seeking man's praise but remembering your reward for your duties performed for God is going to come from God. Let God acknowledge you like only HE can because compared to a human His thanks is better expressed. So give Him the glory and know it's NOT ABOUT YOU!!!

Luke 17:9-10 "...The servant is not even thanked, because he is merely doing what he is supposed to do. 10 In the same way, when you obey me you should say, 'We are not worthy of praise. We are servants who have simply done our duty.'"

 *Can you really live invisible for God without recognition???*
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