Monday, May 24, 2010

Valued Treasures...

As I reflect over my short life I see how God has orchestrated my life , but today my motivation is derived from the undeniable beauty of  authentic friendships that form throughout the journey of life. I have had many life lessons well life is full of lessons I guess the difference is who is willing to learn from the hand that is dealt. Don't misunderstand it is not all about the hand you are dealt but its also how you play your hand. It seems I learned early in life that true friends are HARD to come by and the older I get the more my eyes are opened to who will really ride or die for you lol! Even though with age friendships seem to settle and its easier to discern who have the friendly qualities you desire in life.

          As I was doing a devotion one day I ran across a friendship like none other known...I was raised with the assumption that husband & wife was supposed to have the closest bond ever but after reading this, My ideology of that bond was shaken.( If you haven't read it you should it is an encouragement for those in any area of friendship with the boundaries of GOD--------> 1Samuel 20) Many people have there different views of this relationship but mine is simply left that only God fully understands and if it wasn't meant for the world to see He would not have put it in the bible for us to exemplify to others. Ok David & Jonathan's friendship relaxes me with the thoughts that everybody has to have that 1, that friend that will ride or die for Just a friend that can and wants to continue to see the bigger picture even when you can't they can. Some go beyond the norm and for this reason their dedication and loyalty amazes me. It amazed me so today that I had to just tell God thank you because even when I do not understand at the present moment of a circumstance I can now look back and see a trail of ride or die friends. Now do not get me wrong there are only a few but those few is all I need to be grateful!

Lately a dear friend of mine moved away and our friendship shocked me because it happened suddenly and unexpectedly. It was funny because as I drove away from the airport in a hostile voice I told God " you better take care of her" and then he spoke "really, are you really telling me this" I laughed and cried until I went to work. This is not the 1st time I said goodbye to a friend not knowing when or how I would see them again but God knows best... This separation caused me to evaluate my friends and the process it took to develop the relationship. Then I also looked at how many of my closest friends aren't anywhere near me...It is funny but I understand and trust that God has a plan for us all collectively and individually. For some friends we have seen and been through a lot and for others we have merely crossed paths. For which ever one defines us  I am so grateful for the route into your life.

The key reason for you reading this is to let you know that  as we grow in God together I have been through enough to hold on to treasures and take them not only at their face value but who God has called you to be in him. For every Ace, #1, Brother, Sister, to those who call me friend I am honored to hold such a position in your life thank you for being YOU! I value you and in my heart you are treasured

I would post pics of all of my true friends but if you are true you know exactly who you are....and I sincerely and whole heartily Love each and everyone of you...Thanks for being that friend!!!
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